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Project |01


Virtual Identity Play
Dress-Up Box
Research Project

​Launch: April 2, 2014

Status: Unavailable


Abstract: Exploring identity tourism in virtual space, I designed this project around a stereotypical dress-up box many children have growing up including various modification options such as shapes, hair, and full non-human avatar sets. Guest responses will be analyzed in a research paper.

Project |02


Virtual Amusement Group Project
Bungee Jumper
& Carousel Rides

Launch: April 8, 2014

Status: Unavailable (videos available via images)


Abstract: As part of a group project on virtual amusement parks, I set out to build authentic rides that proivded realistic experiences to guests while enabling them to experience rides in ways not feasible in the actual world.

Project |03


International Language Learning Centre @ Western

Launch: April 5, 2013

Status: Unavailable (video tour available via images)


Abstract: A group project addressing the drive towards virtual space learning through the engagement of exchange partners to facilitate cultural experiences and language interaction for students both local to Western and abroad.

Project |04


Silks by Saylan Fashion Company

Launch: Spring, 2006

Status: Items or Commissions Available By Request


Abstract: Having always had a passion for designing unique clothing, I explored that interest by creating a successful clothing company knowing for attention to details. The main items were lingerie and dancers silks when flexi prims were new to Second Life.

If you'd like to arrange a tour or viewing of any builds, contact me:
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